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WCMHN Annual General Meeting is Sunday, October 1st

Dear Network Members, I am pleased to announce that the Annual General Meeting of the West Coast Mental Health Network Society will be held on Sunday, October 1, 2017 at the Central Branch of Vancouver Public Library.

Doors open at noon, and the meeting will start at 1pm.

The meeting will be in the Alma VanDusen room, which is on the lower level (there is an elevator opposite the main entrance to the library, as well as a staircase). Please let me know if you are interested in standing for a position on the Board of Directors. You are welcome to contact me in advance of the AGM if you have any questions about the role of Board members. If you wish to submit a motion to make a change to the Network's constitution, please email me the motion by Sunday, September 17 (i.e., two weeks ahead of the AGM). With the exception of motions relating to the constitution, all other motions can be submitted by email up to Saturday, September 30, or can be made at the AGM. Richard Ingram Secretary, Board of Directors, West Coast Mental Health Network Society West Coast Mental Health Network 88 E Cordova St Vancouver BC V6A1K3 Web Email Phone 778-323-0825

WEST COAST Mental Health Network - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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